Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gotta Crack the Code!

I remember being in first grade and being asked by the teacher to pick out a book for her to read to the class during "circle time." I got up and picked a book I liked: Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham. This is a good book! Right?! She totally chastised me, "I expected YOU to pick something much more interesting."  I had no idea what she meant. And in years past, I've thought about that memory numerous times and thought "what a bitch!" Truth was, in 1st grade I was a prolific reader. I loved it. You could open a book and a whole world was available to you! My dork-tendencies revealed themselves early as I preferred to sit in my room and read rather than watch TV when I was six. It was just who I was/am. I love to read.

But I forgot this fact when I had a child. It didn't seem relevant. Until a year ago, this past November. I felt that it was important for Nico to learn her letters when she was a little over 2-1/2. I don't know why. I just did. I started in October and by the end of November, she knew them all. But that was it. She didn't seem that interested in doing anything else with them. Being a Waldorf parent, I wasn't going to force it. Whatever. At least she knew them.

A year later, she started showing an interest in learning more about letters - as she put it. I consulted my dear friend, Peggy, who is a reading specialist and she told me what to do, what books to read, etc. But it didn't go terribly far. Again, didn't really matter. Then she discovered the keyboard on the computer - and after "typing" words that we wrote out for her came this phrase, "Mommy, I have to crack the code! I need to learn to read!"

Oh. Kay.

And so it began. Now, as I type, the child still doesn't "read" exactly. But we spend a LOT of time talking about letters and sounds. And lo' and behold, she writes, too. How?! I have NO idea. But I was floored the other day, nonetheless. While emptying the dishwasher, she sat on the floor and asked me to spell 'Happy Birthday.' I didn't look to see what she was doing - until she told me that she was making a card for a friend. Holy crap! When did she learn this? When did she figure this out?!

So. Despite how much my child may look like my husband. She's mine...on a whoooole other level. Mwa-hahahaha....