Sunday, August 15, 2010

And so it begins....

My sister, Elena, has been after me for quite a while to start this blog. I have been resistant to it for many reasons - primarily, time is too precious to waste sitting at a computer typing about myself. But she claims that I will have something to offer, can contribute something to the world of Moms as women and women as Moms. 

For now, I am a stay-at-home who supposedly runs her own architectural conservation firm, specializing in the conservation of architectural wood.  Before my daughter, Nico, was born, I was successful and accomplished. I liked my career. I've had great projects. And, evidently, my opinion does still matter. But since Nico's birth in March 2007, I've kind of quit caring. Sure, staying at home with your kid is hard, challenging, and overwhelming, but that's not it. Everything was thrown into perspective as soon as she came home. The question, "What the hell am I doing with my life?!" repeated itself over and over in my head. A new person emerged from the horrific sleep deprivation. And I've yet to figure out who that is. If anything, this blog hopes to provide a place for me to remember who I am - or used to be.

So. To do it justice, I intend to write about the unspoken things women don't dare mention in the world of Mom-ness. I'm going to speak some of my darkest thoughts as I drudge through long days. I'm going to share some of the ugly issues my husband and I struggle with. I'll discuss grown-up topics (politics, religion, sex) that seldom see the light of day outside of my head.  Hopefully, I can arrive at a place where I'm more accepting of myself and can approach the difficulties of this Mommy-thing with a fresh perspective. And I invite others to relate and join in the conversation.


DD said...

I love it and look forward to knowing that someone else goes through the same thoughts in their head. I can already relate. :) I've pondered the "what the hell am I doing with my life?" question after Hannah was born. Don't know that I've answered the question though.

Kit said...

Love this Lori! What a wonderful way to share. Look forward to your future post. Oh man- What are we supposed to be doing with our lives?? If I think to much about that question I loose track of "Right Now". I like to tell myself everyday I am where I should be right now?? (It doesn't always work- because my mind will wonder right back to that infernal question with "What am I supposed to be doing??") LOL

Peggy said...

Lori- your words are quite eloquent and brought a few tears to my eyes. I've been a mom for a long time and still sometimes struggle with what I am doing with my life. Mommyhood is tough, but I believe being able to share dark thoughts, problems, joys, and successes helps me remember that we are not in this alone. I can't wait to read more!

Tara R said...

Yay! Bring it on! I love even your Facebook writings :)